In order for our AV technicians to best organize the 151 oral presentations and 5 keynote presentations, parallel sessions as well as plenary, there will be a workstation set up in the Commonwealth Room for Speaker Ready. Two laptops, one for the AV technician, and one for speakers, will be setup in the Commonwealth Room 1 hour before the sessions start and throughout the day. The laptops will be connected to the main presentation stages in the Grand Ballroom A and the Georgian Room. Presenters will be able to see a mini version of their presentation projected onto a screen while also getting quality time with our technicians. In this Speaker Ready Room, a presenter can relax and prepare for a flawless presentation of their talk.
Please make use of the Speaker Ready Room and finalize your presentation, have it loaded by the technician into the Encore Presentation Management system/network, well in advance of the start of your session (at least one hour before, but this should be done as early as you can).
- All presentations should be made in PowerPoint with a 16:9 aspect ratio
- Presenter view is at presenter’s discretion if they wish to view accompanying notes
- All presentation laptops will have the latest version of PowerPoint
- Formatting discrepancies may arise if presentation is made in an older version
- Recommend reviewing in speaker ready room (Commonwealth Room) at least an hour before scheduled session start time, to make any corrections
- Presenters will provide presentations on thumb drive at least one hour before session start time
- Presenters will have the option to preload presentations in Speaker Ready Room (Commonwealth) or connect thumb drive directly into presentation laptop and download presentation during break before the session, or at least one hour prior to session start time
- It is highly recommended to preload presentations in speaker ready, Commonwealth Room, an AV technician will be available 7 hours a day to assist speakers
- In-room operator will assist opening all PowerPoints
- Presenters will have the option to preload presentations in Speaker Ready Room (Commonwealth) or connect thumb drive directly into presentation laptop and download presentation during break before the session, or at least one hour prior to session start time
- Presentations will be labeled as follows
- Plenary 2.1_Yeo
- Parallel 9.2_Burton
- Keynote 2.1_Raab-Traub
- If any presentations include videos with audio it is HIGHLY recommended to test in speaker ready room prior at least one hour before the start of the session
- Please inform speaker ready technician if your presentation include video with audio