These are the virtual networking features available with the ePoster Gallery:
All oral and poster presenters are encouraged to amend their original abstract submission to upload a one page pdf of their presentation in the ePoster gallery by June 24th so participants can get a preview of the science to be presented in Boston! Full access to the online program including abstracts and ePosters, will be sent to all meeting participants on June 25th.
- Digital ePosters are automatically tied to the original abstract record
- Once scheduled, the ePoster will display in our online program and in a digital poster gallery organized automatically by submission topic, Presentation ID (not the original submission ID), title, speaker and organization.
- Discussion boards are embedded for Q&A and ongoing discussions
- ePosters will be available for all registered attendees
- Oral and Poster presenters may also upload a video presentation of their presentation which will be tied to the program and ePoster gallery
- We encourage participants to use the networking features to invite meeting attendees to visit your ePosters AND in-person poster presentation, as well as through Twitter (highly encouraged) #ebvkshv and LinkedIn